The Love Of My Life Poem by Darius Velasquez

The Love Of My Life

When I first met you, I knew you were the right girl for me
You're the highlight of my day
The reason I wake up in the morning smiling
You always be my addiction, my obsession, my drug, my world

Without you by my side I don't know what my life would be like
I don't ever want to find that out
You mean the world to me
The reason I live today

Without you I don't feel like myself
You make me the happiest guy in the world
When I'm not with you, all I think about is the when I'm going to see you again
I start missing the moment you leave my sight

I can't live without you
You're all I think about
I try so hard not to think about the impossible
There isn't one second of my day that you're not on my mind

Your all I need in this world to be happy
I would always love you no matter what happens
You're the only girl that has the key to my heart
I don't ever want to lose you because I know one day you'll be my wife

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