The Love Song With Love Poem by Low Li Ling Jasmine

The Love Song With Love

Rating: 4.0

I hummed a melody for our meeting
I wrote words for our memories
I sang a song for our parting

I struck a sour note, it's the day when I realised the fact that you would no longer be here
No matter how I strove for composture, my angelic voice wavered and trembled

I lose myself in the mayhem of my music of my heart
You are a tall, charming man with the melting brown eyes, of that, I remember
Even if your gaze chorused an echo to my whispered warnings, I stood mesmerized
My mind clinging with the past, trapped in the confine of my memories that I'm not sure if you care a whit

Now I reached a crescendo
Bursting the emotions that welled up, I hoped that you could hear the screams of my inner self
But your footsteps had taken you far away~
My voice faded with the sonorous chiming of time

Sometimes, a soft melodic voice still broke the dark silence
Even if I understood nothing going to bring you back to me

At the end, this song might never stop
The melody would still beat with its serenity,
The lyrics would still sprang from within me

Someday I would turn on my heels and walked away~
That would be the day when it would truly be ended
And I would embark on a new song with notes of tinkling musical

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