The Lunatic Poem by Anuj Tikku

The Lunatic

He walks around in his white pajamas
Walking past the asylum gate
Making monkey noises at passers my
His face is ragged
His walk is jagged
From the real world he descends into the unreal
What is right what is wrong
Real unreal merge in here
In his heart he knows
As to the outside world his insanity grows
His behavior looks bizarre
But none like in the world of politics, crime, business or the arts
So why call him a lunatic then
Sending him to the asylum den
He is a brave seeker
Just reaching out to yonder land
Singing in his own merry band
As sands of time pass away
This lunatic still holds sway
Trapped in his own cage
He is gurgling with his own rage
He stands in the night gazing at the moon
Looking towards it with soulful eyes
He is no lunatic but a man who is very wise
He sees things none can see
His interpretations are unique
As if into the future he can pique
His understanding is profound
His ideas are actually very sound
So my call him a lunatic indeed
Release him of his prison and let him be

Anuj Tikku

Anuj Tikku

Fathepur India
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