The Museum Awaits... Poem by Shaun Cronick

The Museum Awaits...

Rating: 5.0

The clock is ticking,
Time's running out.
Got to hurry,
Of that no doubt.

The museum awaits,
I hold above.
To do the job,
I truly love.

I work with people,
Talented and inspiring.
All good friends,
Who are never tiring.

All good people.
Who strive and endeavour.
These friendships made,
Will last forever.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: friendship,history,love,love and life,treasure,friends
Kesav Easwaran 13 February 2020

Beautiful work environment there, Shun. A treasure to cherish. Much inspiring write.10+

5 0 Reply
Shaun Cronick 13 February 2020

Thank you sir I'm glad for your most kind comment from a gifted poet as your good Kesav. I am so lucky to work with so many wonderful, kind people with great qualities. Those qualities and kindness are mirrored from people as your good self Kesav and many others on this wonderful site. Take care Kesav and may God Bless and Keep you.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 12 February 2020

A lovely and inspiring poem. When one loves his/her work, everything flows; great work result, wonderful relationship with people and a feeling of contentment.. A great poem. Wonderful tribute to your friends at the Museum. Beautifully written.

5 0 Reply
Shaun Cronick 13 February 2020

Thank you for your gracious comment Rose Marie. And THAT (your) Audrey Hepburn poem will be upped tonight. Take care Rose Marie and God Bless you.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 12 February 2020

A well composed heartwarming poem......10+++

6 0 Reply
Shaun Cronick 12 February 2020

Bernard sir you honour me. I am forever in your debt sir, for your kind and gracious comments. You are a good man who uplifts me and many more through-out the world every day, with your poems of hope, love and ceaseless friendship. I thank you so much Bernard. And take care my friend.

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