The New World Order Poem by Kelvin Rush

The New World Order

The New World Order is on its way
An unstoppable juggernaut devouring its prey
While the cities burn high and the devil runs free
The people relax and watch endless tv

The violence and terror the fear and hate
The rich and the clever are the ones who dictate
The mind-numbing media full of drama and guile
A brainwashed public clueless and docile

How dumb can I be to ignore my fate
It's there right beside me to hurt and castrate
When I grimace inside it's me I detest
I have no affection for the ones who are blessed

I wonder what happened to the evolving dream
It seems no one cares now it's all about mean
If God should return what on earth would he say
Where's the love and compassion why lie and betray

If we know something's wrong why is nothing done
We can pretend for so long but in the end we can't run
We know in our hearts we must all stand up
Fight together to destroy the unworthy and corrupt

We allow secret courts and the nanny state
The controlling of our thoughts without debate
The state run media agenda
The mega corporations the banksters on the run

The lunatics in congress
Republicans and democrats
Labour and conservatives
The lords and snake oil diplomats
The liberals and the socialists
They all look and smell the same
Several cheeks on the same backside
All playing the matrix game

The royals and dictators sit together drinking tea
Talking about the middle east what's in it for me
Wealth and power the evolving flower
The poor and the next depression
Families at war bailiffs at the door
Living in a state of oppression

Divide and rule for the common fool
With everyone fighting each other
We play the blame game and fall into their hands
Destroying our sister and brother

With our fists in the air we surrender and declare
Our allegiance to the fascist state
We'll be crushed like before I'm not taking anymore
I'm getting out of here before it's too late

The New World Order is on its way
You've been warned my friend don't you dare run away

Thursday, June 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: control,ideology ,political
Albina Kumirova 22 December 2020

Strong words. Indeed, they even don’t hide it anymore. But Christ will win at the end. Hold on

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