The Old Gent Poem by Michael Shutt

The Old Gent

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From: Michael Shutt <>
Date: Tue, Oct 8,2013 at 9: 20 PM
Subject: The Old Gent
To: '' <>, Marcy Lane <>

The Old Gent:

They closed their eyes
and clasped their hands-
Gave Thanks before
they broke
their Morning Fast.

Amid a hash house
filled with groups,
and couples.

Just grateful for
the time
they had together.

After Grace
her gentle
hazel eyes
looked past
his eyes of blue,
and settled on
A Gentleman.


Whose aged and
care worn face
was young
when Normandy
was stormed.

He quickly glanced,
and saw
the object of
her dear concern.

And in that moment,
both their hearts
were melted.

A Dear Old Gent
sat by Himself,
amidst a room
of strangers.

Rough hewn
and Hardened Hands
Clasped and Unclasped-
Fingers unknowingly,
finding their
silent lonely way
back to
a simple
Wedding Band.

She was
no longer there
to hold his hand.

and without thought
caressing such
a simple
Band of Gold,

and looking to
an empty seat
across from Him,
while thoughtless diners
nattered on-

Maxwell House
inexorably turned cold.

Who did he see
in an empty chair
across from Him?

With just
a cursed cane
for company?

A cursed cane?

And no one
by his side?

His loneliness
broke both
their hearts.

An Empty Chair.

And in his memory,
a much loved missing bride.

With rheumy eyes
he looked around
at happiness
he once had known.

Now left-

With just a Ghost,
A Cane,
A Prayer of Thanks
for Company.

A single
cooling cup
cup of coffee
by His side.

His mis-matched shirt
and pants did not
demean His Dignity.

He bowed His
silver hair-
gave thanks,
for memory.

Before He
even thought to drink.

A loneliness
seemed to
fill His Soul
while gazing at
an empty chair-

While longing for
an absent Bride
He wed in 1939,
and danced the
night away
before Glenn Miller died.

Only Good
can come
from Giving.

Quiet Acts
of Kindness
have Great Worth.

As long as they
remain unspoken.

In silence,
acts like these
can only help
the living.

Their eyes locked,
and without
a word,
agreed Ten Dollars
was well spent.

To give back to
a lonely Bridegroom.

Bereft of Bride,
His Love,
His Life-

Thank You, Sir-

You Dear Old Gent.

October 9,2013

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