The Path Is Difficult Sometimes Poem by Etienne Charilaou

The Path Is Difficult Sometimes

Just for fun, honeybun!
It's not complicated though 'tis bifurcated!

Absurd is what it is.
You can't make sense of it:
neither head nor tail -
nothing will prevail!

The best you can do is carry on
as best you can. Try not to open any can
of worms!

Wormholes will take you to another
spacetime, where there may be plenty of reason but
no rhyme!

Why do I bother with a few paltry lines?
I guess I need to get something off my chest -
even though I'm blessed!

No time to rest!
No time to read!
A prisoner marking time
in his allotted narrow lanes;
constrained by powers too great to contend with.

I've lost all patience!

nascent activities in far-off planets
beckon to the explorer, the adventurer -
childlike wonder still abides -
though brown-dwarfed, almost eclipsed
by Earthly pressures, societal measures.

freedom from it all
I crave - for this
you might be called deprave!

I've made you read this far you see -
I've shown my hold on thee!

And now for the big finish - the grand climax! !

Phut! To the max!

just kidding!
I'd never do that!
take heart,
nothing comes your way,
nothing can take away,
nothing comes to play,
is gone away, returns some day,

You CAN pray.

And it may...
oh, it just might...just might...
come your way!

So, take heart, I say!

Ok - that's long enough - The End!

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