The Philosophy Of A Blessed Husband Poem by Ron Poetry

The Philosophy Of A Blessed Husband

If we take things a little further than say Aristotle's table of opposites when we have learned to embrace them to make or give the picture to the ‘whole' we turn to the silent partners the nun, the nurse, the wife who does equal if not more in the background to ensure the smooth sailing
we carry it further with the researcher or the researched for the completion of the pattern if we could only then understand giving back to the individual it is understanding there is God
we may then explain intuition that unexplainable something that leads us to the answer to the problem
that the problem is not a problem any more that it is the solvable the sav'able the saviour-able the copable and there is Abel calling us clean and bright and shining it is Jesus who gave us our sight it is we who are not lost just moving in the dark it was Plato in his Symposium who admired poets who felt he couldn't measure up it is Shakespeare who gives us the answer who led us to the Holy Books it is the educated embracing the uneducated it is the unknowing who is drawn to the all knowing it is the lost who will be found the scientific finding that gives the jubilation: there's no measurement of time in the surpassing
that an eclipse is a communion; unity a joining in the eyes of the beholder that a leap of faith can lead you to the answer: we each go our separate ways to get back to each other.... Rekindled through the spiritual world as we die in the natural.. loving on a higher level.
RK. Hudson

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