The Problems Give Meaning To Life. Poem by Amrit Rathi

The Problems Give Meaning To Life.

Rating: 4.9

Problems can be the sunshine.
Problems may be a cloud.
As they come, they will go,
quite normal it should sound.

Moan about it, or try to solve,
what's the attitude here to go?
That'll decide if you remain stunted,
or instead learn and grow.

Can you forego the present need?
So a better future you can have,
“I am responsible, ” can you say
for all the things, to act and behave.

All your assumptions and beliefs,
the ideas, thinking, and plans of yours,
as close to reality can you keep?
This undeniably opens success’ doors.

This the discipline you always need;
and if fully applied, you fully succeed.
A secret of success, it is that.
no other formula will you ever need.

But to enjoy, say, the moonlit night,
certainly discipline this discipline:
your judgment is always required
to know how much to apply just to win.

Do we appreciate the beauty of the moon?
The galaxies and their infinite wonder,
flowers, butterflies and the dewdrops,
Do they stir us, rainbow or thunder?

How to love, and not react,
How to live, and not worry,
When to smile and when to laugh,
these problems remain always blurry!

How to score and get the grades?
How to excel in career or job?
How to develop the tastes and hobbies,
these are problems we need to probe.

Like the currents of a mighty river,
problems in life flow all the time.
So dropp all fears, be bold and alive,
they’re there till life's bells chime!

Problems give meaning to life,
else we are dead, and not alive.
All our joys and our sorrows,
only by solving problems, we find.

Copyright © reserved by the author

Mukul Chaudhari 05 May 2010

The Problems Are the one, gives meaning to life, Else we are dead, and not alive. A line of roses, life neatly aligned, All our joys and all our sorrows, Stand seamlessly behind. This stanza stands out as the best one! The comparison of a line of roses to joys and sorrows is beautiful. And saying that problems give meaning to life is a very big consolation for one and all.

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Lc Ian Mckay-carbajal 08 May 2010

great stanza without a doubt and yes, life isnt life without a little bit of struggling, it makes the good matter so much more.

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Valery Atkinson 08 May 2010

This is no doubt your beast poem! Even enjoyment is a problem which we need to solve to get it as rightly say we invariably don't know how to enjoy [The problems! How to love, and not to react, How to live, and not to worry, When to smile and when to laugh, Need to learn them, just you hurry.]

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Marieta Maglas 12 May 2010

''Owning their responsibility 'n fate'' excellent reflective poem, thank you for sharing 10/10/10 Mari

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Queeny Gona 07 June 2010

'How to love, and not to react, How to live, and not to worry, When to smile and when to laugh, How learn all this, remains a bit blurry' Its true that Problems are inevitable henceforth we need to come up with ideas to solve or overcome those! Very beautifully expressed the reality of life Thanks for sharing

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Andy Brown 03 June 2010

Great poem Amrit -problems make us stronger and better people - will read again :)

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Lefix Onyango 03 June 2010

nice and with a lot of sadness, i love it

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Ramesh T A 03 June 2010

Detailed poem on Problems is quite interesting to read and think! There is no person without problem in the world! If there is a person without a problem that person will be a problem to others in the world!

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Mathew Brady 12 May 2010

You show with an uncanny and remarkable skill how life is a bed of roses despite the problems! The illustrations are a compelling and convincing that life is nothing but problems, and so are our joys and sorrows. When we live problems, we live life! When we live problems, we live joys or sorrows. A GREAT POEM! OF ALL YOUR POEMS< I LIKED IT THE MOST.

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