The Rose Poem by Amy Stuart

The Rose

There you are
Here I am
A single black rose
Not of death; No
Just a rose
May it bloom like our unrequited love
Press the petals to your chest
Look at it and think of me
Of us; of what could have been
But be happy
Never forget us
I loved you
I love you
I will never stop.
But let me see your face
Please, but please just once more
Then I'll leave forever...
If only it will make you happy
You can go with her
Like Romeo and Juliet,
In life, I guess our love...
Yes darling, our love
Could never be
But maybe in death, glorious death...
Our souls can reunite and live forever
But do me one favor
Keep this rose for all of time
When I pass, kiss it.
Tell me we will be together again
It will be a promise that we'll meet again,
Love again
Just like we have so many times before
It is eternal like our love and will live forever
But then and only then,
After it has been placed between our hands once more,
Will it be a rose of the most lovely and blissful death.

Amy Stuart

Amy Stuart

Western Pennsylvania
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