The Silent Fairy Poem by Fernando Alvarez

The Silent Fairy

Fairy of the night
Have you come here to save me from strife?
When I saw you, you were scary
Yet I didn’t know you were here to make me company
Look, look I said, trying to hide, still scared wondering what you’d be like.
So cautious me and so sweet you
Like a mirror image you were afterwards.
Noticing your laughter made me feel secure
Opening my doors I saw you come, nervous I was.
The mirror showed me I’m sometimes afraid of what I’ve become.
The child that hides inside can be released by you as you do the same
So alike and so mysterious attracts me even more.

Music: our passion. Poetry: my words. Opera: like your voice.
Paintings: like I have never seen before.
But Art simply describes happiness in many of its expressions
As the fairy once said. Horror fairy as I suppose she likes being called.

One question and not expecting an answer
Just wishing the best to come and living the best there is.
Things come and just enjoy, give it intensity and it will flow.
We will remember the intensity and not the time.

Having nothing more to say I dedicate this to you
As you complete things with just a smile for my.

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