The Steady Ascent Poem by Suzanne Hayasaki

The Steady Ascent

Rating: 5.0

(A reply to Aging As Ascent by Glen Kappy)

I too am climbing
At my own pace
In my own time.
There is no race to wisdom.

I too am trying
In my own way
With my own goals.
There is no finish line to life.

Death, you say, claims us all.
To that I reply, Neither you nor I
Know what Death means.
So I will focus on what I can see now.

I can look back with shame
At my many mistakes.
I can relive the pain.
Or I can focus on what I have gained.

As my youth fades, my compassion grows.
As my confidence shrinks to fit my accomplishments,
My expectations of what love should bring
Become more realistic.

I accept the gray days with grace.
I give thanks for the love I receive
In whatever muted form it is offered.
I find contentment in small triumphs.

Mostly, I accept the shifts, the tremors,
When the ground gives beneath me
Making my way forward tenuous.
I tread lightly, ready to retreat.

I move forward when the path invites me.
I look to the stars for guidance.
I listen for whispers.
I search with my soul.

Nowhere I stand is a mistake.
No road I choose is correct.
No pace is perfect.
No one wins.

But if I forget myself
And look around me
I will see beauty, beauty,

Thursday, March 29, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: acceptance,aging,appreciation,beauty,friendship,wisdom
Glen Kappy 07 September 2018

Just read this again, Suzanne, with its many echoes and its resonance inside me. And it brings to my mind my poem Aging as Ascent, a shorter statement on some of these same things. -Glen

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Suzanne Hayasaki 07 September 2018

Funny you should say that Glen. I saw your first comment on my way to work and the coffee hadn't kicked in and I was trying to remember who the you was in the poem. Later I remembered that was this was a reply to one of your poems and I had planned to look up which poem it was, but you beat me to it!

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Glen Kappy 06 September 2018

I definitely relate to this, Suzanne. The first phrase that came to me is, no guru. I assume the point of wisdom is acceptance of ourselves and doing the best, the most, with what we are given. And in the last stanza, as an adolescent and young man I ached exclusively for girls and women. And still I ache(!) —for all the beauty I see, all the beauty that more than makes up for ugliness and frustrations in life and in the world. -Glen

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Kumarmani Mahakul 29 March 2018

Trying of own to achieve goal is definitely an amazing task that allows you to accept beauty and love. You move forward when the path invites you. This is definitely very beautifully penned poem...10

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Suzanne Hayasaki

Suzanne Hayasaki

Menomonee Falls, WI, USA
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