The Story Teller Poem by Abdul-Qadir Abdul-Mumin

The Story Teller

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He said he wanted to tell me a story
All I could think about was the mystery
Of the story he wanted to tell me
I felt this guy knew much about history
He told me about people that took away our identity
They took away our pride and dignity
The poor man's property
The rich man tasted poverty
They rape our girls and preach chastity
They treated us as if they held our destiny

They tried to erase our generation
They cancelled our missions
Took away our visions
Left us with no occupations
They took away peace and introduced ammunitions
All they created was destructions
Our lives had no validations
They taught our leaders corruption
They snatched our attentions
With something they call 'formal education'
We freed ourselves after numerous wars and demonstrations

So I asked... Are we free?
Not anymore; said the story teller
Is them telling us what to do called free?
No; I answered the story teller
Is we travelling overseas just to slave for them called free?
I felt a pain in my chest
I didn't answer, for I wanted to hear no more
I begun to weep in my heart
We are not free; said the story teller
In the very sad tone, I said; stop, oh story teller.

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