The Thoughts In My Head Poem by Craig Mize

The Thoughts In My Head

First thing first let me say that I'm the one to blame
My actions can be questionable and hard to explain
I put my whole life out there for the world to see
Now the whole world things that I'm a horrible beast
And even some kind of online freak
I don't give a damn what they say about me in the streets
But what you think means the world to me
I think about everything that you said
As I replay and rethink the thoughts in my head

People seem to forget the man that I really am
But it's my fault for giving them that opportunity damn! !
If I could take it all back believe me I would
Then I would do all the things that I know I should
Let me apologize to everybody that I did wrong
Let me clean out my closet so that we can move on
I'm sorry for the things I did and the things I said
As I replay and rethink the thoughts that's in my head

I'm lost without answers, I do not know what to do
I'm trapped within my thoughts, but I'm not confused
When I look in your eyes I know that it's true
Even if you try to hide it you already know the truth
We grew together as you felt the samething that I felt
I'm pronouncing my love to you & who knows I don't care
As I replay what I did and everything that you said
I openly tell you every thought that is going through my head

Craig Mize

Craig Mize

gainesville GA
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