The Wall For Robert Stewart Poem by Alexandre Nodopaka

The Wall For Robert Stewart

I never met you but there's no need to build
a wall between us. OK, I'm Ukrainian and you
American and that means Trump the Turd
may want to also build a wall between us.

This is not like I want to be a Ukrainian wetback
because in that case I'd rather return to France.
Ha! It pays to be a multi-national and I don't mean
on Wall Street!

I won't sing you the Russian Internationale,
as my voice is waning but the rendition
by Toscanini is a tear jerker worth watching
and listening of course.

But maybe I better keep all this quiet or Kathabella
and Rick won't have me in their home. Oh, and how
I miss their hors d'oeuvres and the warmth
of their company!

Speaking of the Gauls, Sartre texted me that
you may have read his book on Kindle, Le Mur,
he wrote back in 1939 and now that you have
some idle time recuperating he asked for me to get

that ditty for you. Sartre wants a fresh edition
with your artwork on the cover. I told Jean Paul, hey!
Tell him yourself because Robert is an existentialist
if there ever was one.

Thursday, November 12, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: poem,pome
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