The War At My Door Poem by Dr. Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek

The War At My Door

War at my Door
18 April 2023, Cairo

I did never think of war
To knock at my door
Like a hated visitor, coming from the dark
With an open mouth, like a shark

I did never think of death
Stealthily creeping through the wall
To snatch the soul of the girl
With hell, with a shell

It aimlessly came from the blue
With no warning clue
Then went into the flesh like a nail
To hit the girl
Right down on the head
To send her dead
And the mother too, broke
With a stroke
Sending her last words
It was a curse
'Oh my God, Curse on them'

The hell is breeding in the streets of my town
Everything is coming down
The war did really start
And things began to fall apart

Military trucks on the roads
Planes in the skies
Machine guns and smoke in the eyes
Soldiers with terrible cries

Snipers on the roofs
Skillfully doing their dirty jobs
Killing all the hopes
Hopes of the People,
Of the trees,
Of the dogs
And hopes of the rocks
All were all terrified, did not know where to go
To save their souls
As planes still sent the bombs
At houses and break the walls,
Destroying the last glimpse of hope

The soldiers were raping the streets with killing machines
Roaming from place to place claiming victory
In my beloved country, in deserted cemetery
That went into sand
And longer that peaceful piece of land
Oh my Lord, I did never think of war
To knock at my door
Harvesting the souls of my innocent people
in their innocent country

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