The Way And The Walkers (Anaphora) Poem by Muzahidul Reza

The Way And The Walkers (Anaphora)

Rating: 4.8

The Way And The Walkers (Anaphora)
15 November, 2018

This is the right path You say
I'm walking,
The way of the world You say
I'm walking,
Then the way of the world You say
I'm walking,
Than the way of the world, too; You say
I'm walking;

From the side way I'm disturbed
But I'm patient,
From the wrong way I'm disturbed
But I'm patient,
From the evil way I'm disturbed
But I'm patient,
From the Satanic way I'm disturbed
But I'm patient;

I'm trying to block the wrong path
You know,
I'm trying to make the walkers of it understand
You know,
I'm trying to say for the right path enough
You know,
I'm trying to try for it my best
You know;

I'm the sufferer from it
You are the Watcher,
I'm the witness of it
You are the Watcher,
I pray to You for solution
You are the Watcher,
I pray to You for judgment
You are the Watcher.

Thursday, November 15, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Mahtab Bangalee 15 November 2018

Ow- the whole poem really penned in so lovely on the love of unseen almighty great writing - like this type poem thanks for sharing this poem

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Muzahidul Reza 15 November 2018

This is the right path You say I'm walking,

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Muzahidul Reza

Muzahidul Reza

Charaihatee; Mohangonj; Rajibpur.
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