The Wild World Poem by Kim Schilling

The Wild World

Animals, so majestic in their own right.
Beautiful black bears bask in the open sun.
Cunning coyotes cruise the plains for their cuisine.
Dancing dolphins delicately dash across open waters.
Excited elephants stampede across the delicate environment.
Ferreting ferrets furrow through piles of filthy laundry.
Gnawing goats gnash their teeth on gnarly old cans.
Humongous hippos walk heavily on the lagoon’s floor.
Ingenious iguanas imitate their background to blend in.
Juicy jellyfish just wait around to give you a jolt.
Kooky kangaroos keep their young close in pouches.
Lively llamas lob loogies at unsuspecting people.
Magnificent mountain lions map out their quarry.
Naughty nightingales steal niceties for their nests.
Ornery ostriches often give chase to naive onlookers.
Peaceful porcupine won’t prick you unless perturbed.
Quiet quail sit calmly unless quickly scared to flight.
Rebellious raccoons are rascally and really wreak havoc.
Sluggish sloths sit solitarily high in trees to escape predators.
Tough tigers blend in the tall grasses to hide from trappers.
Unique urchins lie still and protected under the sea.
Voracious vampire bats victimize unknowing prey.
Wonderful warthogs wallow in warm mud for soothing.
Xanthic xenops swoop down from the rainforest tops singing.
Youthful yaks have spring in their steps over the grassy meadows.
Zealous zebras gallop zestfully across the wild open plains.

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