The World Should Know Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

The World Should Know

The world should know of Jesus Christ
And why He bore such pain
The truth why Christ was sacrificed
And how He rose again

The world must see her wayward state
Must see her children’s plight
Must learn the reason of their fate
When day turns into night

But when she learns to understand
How deep in sin she’s gone
She needs to know that help’s at hand
Through Jesus Christ God’s Son

She needs to know that Christ’s alive
Her hope was just mislaid
Through faith she’ll see her children thrive
When all their debts are paid

Although her children’s truly lost
And bound in Satan’s jail
Yet Jesus came to pay the cost
And died to pay their bail

There’s always hope where faith’s displayed
Where grace has been outpoured
Where love foundation’s firmly laid
And Christ is truly Lord

Where Christ’s report has been believed
Salvation’s arms are wide
Eternal life can be received
For those who’ll walk inside

For those who bow to Christ and pray
For those in need of love
For those who’ll end their selfish way
And trust in Christ above

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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