They Murdered Him Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

They Murdered Him

Ice cold ran blood through sordid veins
Murder seduced man’s thoughts
In flowing robes festooned with stains
They spread their dark reports

Whispers beneath their devious grin
On silver tongues a lie
Could they fight God and hope to win
Could they The Truth defy

Though steeped in filth, to sin a slave
Self-righteous filled with pride
Yet even these Christ came to save
For such as these He died

Though Christ could see their fowl intent
Could see their every flaw
Even to these God’s Lamb was sent
As Key to Heaven’s door

Yet secretly God’s Son they tried
Jealousy reigned supreme
While publicly Salvation cried
As God revealed love’s stream

A stream ordained the world to flood
A stream of light divine
A stream of Jesus’ living blood
For man to drink like wine

For God had staged this perfect plan
Unknown to Satan’s hoard
God’s Son would live and die a man
To rise eternal Lord

True love will reign with Heaven’s King
Will conquer darkest night
Will bless the day that God will bring
When death gives up the fight

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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