Thing's Get Worst Before They Get Better Poem by Shilesha Johnson

Thing's Get Worst Before They Get Better

You have to crawl before you walk
You have to mumble before you are able to talk
And you have to give me a reason to
Before I’m able to trust
You have to fall before you get back up
And you realize just how blessed you are
Once you run out of luck
Only to find that it was never really luck
Just blessings you gave other things credit for
And you have to have several walk out the door
Before that one walks in
You have to continue to fail
Before you realize what you need to do to win
You have to treat me right
Before I have the faith that you will never do me wrong
And you have to be there when I’m weak
Before you can deserve me when I’m strong
You have to love me when I’m at my worst
Before you are truly able to appreciate me at my best
And you have to be that ease inside of me
When I feel pain inside my chest
There are things that come right before another
Including the times you and I weren’t officially together
All at once you patched and broke my heart
That’s how I know that we can make it through when things fall apart
Things are always going to be difficult before they get better
That’s why it’s not smart for us to let things go and risk not being together;
When things are not good
Because there is still better out there for us that we haven’t reached
And I know we could
So remember that in our time of pain
And when we feel like our relationship is strained
That the sun ALWAYS comes out AFTER the rain

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