This Moment Poem by Jackie Thielman

This Moment

This moment, this very moment
This single moment
Changed my life forever

This moment
Caused by a single trip
This trip caused
The end of my normal life
From this moment on
I am handicapped

The sharp steel blades
Slicing my skin
The crushing of my bones
Like a snap of a twig
The water fountain of blood
Gushing from my foot

The sharp sting of pain
The pain I never felt before
The pain generating through my body
To the point where it burst

The burst of tears
Dry in the sun as they hit the cheek
The sun
Sucking the last bit of moisture off my face
The last bit of tears
I’ll see for awhile

As I’m carried away
From this dreadful day
I have nothing to say
As I go into shock

The mask of breath
Was put on my face
As I hear the blaring noise
I’m getting closer
To the flashing lights
That soon will save my life

I’m put in to the back
Of the noisy flashing box
The box is closed and locked
The wheels start to spin
And they tare up the lawn

I see a man grin
As I gasp my last bit of air
Now I’m knocked out
For I don’t care, the pain is gone
The pain I have felt
Was gone for now

When I finally wake up
From my big peaceful sleep
The pain is back
Yet no gushing blood

I scream for the nurse
Then the nurse comes in and opens the small box
And ups the dose of
My lovely pain killer

I look to my right
And I see something that gave me a fright
My mom and dad
Sounded by gifts
All these gifts for me

As I open my gifts
My mom and dad sigh
And my mom starts to cry
She is shocked
For what has happened
That very same day

After opening my gifts
I give my non-cozy warm blanket a lift
I didn’t realize
That I had no foot
All I could see was a cast

The frustrating re-habitation
Constant struggle
To do the normal things
It is taking a time from
My family and I

This moment
This sad life changing moment
Is the worst moment in my young life?
From this moment on
I am handicapped
Poem Writer,
By: Jackie Thielman

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