Those Who Lost Happiness Poem by Sari Mavi

Those Who Lost Happiness

If they are able to be patient with living conditions
If they can be grateful all the blessings obtained
If they can be happy with living conditions (even though they are difficult)

If they are able to be optimistic
If they can love life - whatever the circumstances
That is the attitude of life that gives rise
Happiness from within

Everyone craves a happy life
But in reality, many people live suffering
Some of you feel fed up with all forms of irregularities
Some of you hate the rulers and the
bourgeoisie who love to live in luxury
Some of you complain that they have forgotten
religious messages for
Live a simple life and support someone in need

Have you explored the depths of their souls...?

Do you know that pessimism and disgust towards life surrounds them
Make their lives feel empty and meaningless?

Really they have lost the happiness that has been so far
They seek by pursuing as much wealth as
Possible and the highest position
Although in a way that is not commendable

Why rely on happiness in life objects
Or forms of material outside oneself
Or even, expect a happy life to come by itself?

Indeed the problem of happiness and misery is within us
An expensive mattress we can buy, but
We can't buy a good sleep
How happiness is not at all relevant to the abundance of matter

God gives happiness fairly to anyone without
looking at him rich or poor, or
Who has a beautiful or ugly face

God does not put happiness on the top of the
golden mountain, but in the depths of our hearts

O souls, can you find it?

Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: happiness,heart,suffering
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