Through Jesus Everywhere Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

Through Jesus Everywhere

In Christ we know we’re not alone
We know my God You care
You heal our soul our heart of stone
Through Jesus everywhere

We see and comprehend my God
By grace we’re more than blessed
Even the using of Your rod
You seek for us the best

You’re Lord You’re King Your Word is true
Almighty is Your hand
The more we think to know of You
The less we understand

By faith alone our eyes can see
Assured of what we hear
Obeying He who set us free
Beyond the realm of fear

With confidence You fill us now
In Christ our Lord and friend
Even the head of death must bow
Its quaking knees must bend

We thrive dear God in all You give
In Christ we hope and trust
For through His blood we’ll truly live!
When all else turns to dust

Still fools with say ‘there’s no such thing
There is no God on high
No Heaven no hell where souls may sing
Beyond the day we die’

Yet those who seek to know The Way
Who seek The Truth first hand
May live beyond the youngest day
Within Your Promised Land

Airda Jones 07 April 2008

Beautiful...that is just the only way to name it. The part about trying to learn more and understanding less, well, I think you hit home with that.

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Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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