Time Poem by Seema Jayaraman


Rating: 3.0

Time's just like a circle
Round & round it goes
With neither a beginning or an ending
Bound on bound it goes
N'er pausing for a bit of doze
Time is just a circle..

Spinning and spinning around
Making men sink down in it
With neither a beginning or an ending
tarry a break for miles
or a creak for a while
Time is just...

With glowing and blowing zones
Its got the worst part
For soothing the best parts too
Time is just a waiting
To reach the glorious shine

The celestial zone of peace
Where man can never reach
Swirling along the breach
The ultimate zone of peace
©Seema Jayaraman, Mumbai (1983?)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: time
Stephani Kievaughan 15 September 2015

12 years old you say and you were pondering the trappings of time. yes yes a wisdom of Lives gone past surely resides in the Soul of Such as You. Wisdom greater than the throngs of Humanity often spring forth from the spiritual wisdom of the Child. when their innocence dares with a boldness to speak the truth. never to be tamped down by the trappings of the society. bound in their concrete sediment of Norms, and standards of their state of being trapped. likened unto a pebble in the oldest Concrete.

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Seema Jayaraman 08 September 2015

Not bad for a 12 year old, written in the era of library books as the only accessory for creativity...I must have written this in 1983 or 84, pardon the errors and simplicity, but a poetess was definitely hiding inside. Best regards Seema

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