Time Failed Me To Take Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Time Failed Me To Take

You came twice in diverse versions,
Invoked love, evoked my soul
To join in in divine designs
To mend pieces of our broken soul
To reconstruct as our single soul,
A mansion in heaven's divine garden;
Sunk in clouds, blurred in sight,
I refused to see crystal clear light;
But you settled not to leave me alone,
Sent beacons till I finally awoke
And reckoned you as my soul's soul,
And raced to meet to sink and drown.

Alas, I was late, bridge was snapped,
Bottomless gulf stared between us;
Hands stretched, we called each for help,
But no human endeavors overcome it
And we settled in grief for what we had,
And you chose both times course for us -
Once jumped to deep gulf; once fled back
To willingly burn in self-made fires
While I looked dumb-found on other side,
To distract me from the impossible spell,
Stop me from mad race to embrace you
And end up in vast gulf forever to rot.

You came twice in diverse versions,
Invoked love, evoked my soul
To join in in divine designs
To mend pieces of our broken souls
To reconstruct as our single soul,
A mansion in heaven's divine garden;
It's our home, where I belong with you,
All else is false, alien, unreal to self;
Huge gulf in front; darkness ahead,
But I must cross to reach our home;
I hang on time to swing me across,
But, time, too short, failed me to take.

Thursday, June 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
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