To Artina Poem by Langston Hughes

To Artina

Rating: 3.5

I will take you heart.
I will take your soul out of your body
As though I were God.
I will not be satisfied
With the touch of your hand
Nor the sweet of your lips alone.
I will take your heart for mine.
I will take your soul.
I will be God when it comes to you.

Indy~pendent Wilkerson 11 June 2006

I used to dislike this poem, it reminded me of being in a controlling relationship... but now I see this as nothing can be taken if it is not given. If you put the emphases onto the word 'will' and make it sound more like 'I accept' you hear a lover accepting the love, as in body, mind and soul, of another, and declaring to be there for her, to look after her.

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JCB 1 Mu Psi '58 21 December 2021

I met my wife of 61 years at NC A&T while pledging for the Omega Psi Phi fraternity. The poem was my way of telling her the depth of my love. 💕

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Marvin Brown 09 August 2005

Can someone comment on what this poem really means?

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big ball joe 06 March 2019

i thinck that the devel wrote this

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i B 04 February 2012

I think this poem is about the intensity of love. Sometimes, love does drive you to do things so absurd, like never wanting to be away from someone, or wanting everything from them, wanting them to always pay attention to you, wanting to share everything with them. the poem could almost be love speaking, saying that it will consume you.

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S J 25 October 2009

I see this as a letter that has no love to it... hate to a person named Artina. He wants to take the heart and soul out the body of his person. The way that god would punish someone. Hughes want to let the reader know that 'I'm God when it comes to you'. He will take form you everything that makes you live and thrive in this world.

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Blair Green 07 February 2007

This Poem, I think is one of the greatest love poems ever written. This man wants this woman's heart and soul. He could care less about the physical nature of this woman. His concerns for her are more on a spiritual level. This is the revelation that a Real-Man encounters when her has learned to love unconditionally, they way that God loves him. This is how we are to love our wives, with this exact type of passion. Please understand, that first the man has to submit himself totally and unconditionally to God, and allow the Holy Spirit to truly work in him. This is 'Perfect Love! ' The Love that is patient; that is kind; that does not envy; that does not boast; that is not proud; that is not rude; that is not self-seeking; that is not easily angered; that keeps no record of wrongs; that does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth; that always protects; that always trusts; that always hopes; and that always perseveres. Love never fails! God is Love. Jesus Christ is Love Perfected. When we learn to Love unconditionally as God love us, then this poem is easy to understand.

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S.Stark 07 October 2021

I echo the sentiments of Blair Green. I only wish I could have said it as well as he did. Thank You! ! !

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Michael Thomas 01 November 2006

The most simple statement I see when I read this poem is 'I want the entirety of who you are'.

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