Too Long Revisited Poem by Anthony Joseph Erangey

Too Long Revisited

I thought a way to reach people was by intention.
Now I wonder if the best way to get one's attention,
is to say something obfuscated, faux inspired and illusional.
And when examined, say I've been misquoted, how delusional.

You could reach all in an instant.
How Wonderful, but still too long.

We could get right, the mind, of the aspiring author.
Tweak it a little and use it as fodder.
Raise on the pedestal of poetic display.
Would all devour, and consume immediately.

We've got to think this through, you know.
If we don't, whatever flows, goes.
Are there motivating subtext any longer.
Are we the people, much weaker, or stronger? .

Not only do they tell us what to think.
What to buy, eat and drink.
They really know what's best for us, just listen.
Solely for our benefit, Their PR smiles glisten.

The people must assume ownership, that's the ploy.
All good families will have it, every little girl and boy.
Let's fingerprint at birth, Microchip them. Satellite connect.
The ones that refuse, eventually have no long term effect.

I thought it was cool, to reach people, now.
To at least ask, the real question, how.
How do we protect our privacy.
It no longer is our legacy.

Can one truly voice one's mind,
As in a conversation, blind?
Not seeing a view, not yet formulated,
Or bound to random thoughts, just stated.

Must there be only solitary thought,
With naught else to the table brought?
Dropping guarded hints as modus operandi
Testing the waters, foe or friendly?

Thoughts mercurially rise,
independent from their demise.
To calculate and string them along
Diminishes innocence, and takes way too long.

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