Troubled Times Poem by nic hillen

Troubled Times

Rating: 4.0

Im sick of it, all this violence and war in front of my eyes
But ill never escape it as long as im under these skies
These are troubled times that we living in
And everything around me makes me feel like giving in
I got a ton of; problems and head full of stress
The visions and the voices makes me think im possed
Get it off my chest cause I gotta struggle on
Were in our last days what the hell is going on
Answers to questions that im never gonna find
But I cant stop this from eating away at my mind
I want shut my eyes till the day that I die
Cause almost everything I was ever told was a lie
So I got to get a plan cause there is no hope
I got to change my life but I no I really wont
Everyday I wake up is like a\knife to my throat
With out a life jacket just trying to stay a float

Caroline Bulleck 02 November 2012

This one is very good also. I could see this being a song.

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nic hillen

nic hillen

london england
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