Truth Poem by Chan Mongol



Buddha said, get me handful of seeds of mustard;

Get them from a home where death had never entered.

He assured, only then I will bring back your son alive again;

The woman was happy and then, home after home she ran.

She calmed down, became hopeful to make the job so easy;

Without a second thought, the woman became very busy!

Why not? When Buddha wanted only few mustard seeds?

Handful few mustard seeds were her very simple needs!

Initially, she was so positive to collect those seeds;

But in each home, people lost grand parents, parents, kids!

Same answer she got from homes of orphans, widowers, widows;

All homes got mustard seeds but not without death news!

Still, she was optimistic that her son will be alive again;

Woman didn't think of the condition of Buddha which was main!

A person said that he has seeds but his sister died few months ago;

The woman approached a grandpa and grandpa lost his pa also!

The lady was disappointed, her loss and efforts went in vain;

She returned empty handed to Buddha with full of pain!

She said, she tried in all homes but death went everywhere;

Buddha then said, death and sorrow are common in all over!

To bring back a dead alive, there is no medicine, no miracle;

Life is short and a one time gift for lords, farmers, for all!

Death is the truth and life is with hallucination, illusion;

Alas! To give us longer life why science has no concentration?

We can't handle negativity, the death and we cry hearts out;

A death has no remedy and it doesn't matter how loud we shout!

In some cultures, people dance and vow joys when folks die;

Let's not fear death and let's say the deceased happily, goodbye!

Gajanan Mishra 06 September 2019

Fear not death, happy good bye

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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