Truth: - Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

Truth: -

The truth will stand when all else falls
Till time becomes no more
Until God’s trumpet finally calls
Till death shuts tight its door

Truth needs no prop support or stay
But lies are bound to fail
Naked they’ll stand on judgement day
Beyond life’s hidden veil

The truth will stand the test of time
For truth is of The Lord
Guilty condemned of Satan’s crime
Deceit must face the sword

The truth stands firm, stands deep and sound
In Christ its seed has root
Ordained to grow in hallowed ground
To bear God’s name sweet fruit

Exposure brings to truth no fear
No devil can it move
No scheme no ploy no smile nor tear
As squalls of life will prove

Tempestuous storms may rant and rage
All elements let loose
Life, may turn its vicious page
But truth stands every ruse

For all deceit the dye is cast
God’s spoke with upheld hand
Wisdom will prove as in the past
Once truth’s embraced our land

Then truth will reign at Jesus’ hand
Sweet joy will never cease
Walking with God The Promised Land
In everlasting peace.

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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