Two Bottles Poem by Jennifer Batch

Two Bottles

Lost and drifting, like a bottle cast to sea
With a pleading unseen message, save me
Searching for someone I used to be
Reflecting on who I have become
Wondering why I've become one who you prey upon
Just can't comprehend or understand
How your love has turned into a shallow grave
Where I lay in waiting for you to pull me from
The cold heavy laden darkness that envelops me
Or break the chains that bind me to the grave
Set me free that I can rid myself from
All the lingering rotting decay gathering inside of me
For where I once found comfort has become
A place of utter desolation and confusion
Like a vast dry desert filled with deceptive mirages
The timeless true meaning and entity of love
In this dwelling doth not reside
Like a shimmering mirage upon the white sands
Tis an illusionary presence, merely an enticing reflection
Taunting me with what could but will never be
For as an empty bottle lays upon the blowing sands
Greedily gathering tiny particles of sand
Slowly doth it fill with gritty granules
Keeping each one for itself as if
An intoxicating essence it provides
Beneath the weight of sands and time
Chipped and buried it becomes
Harboring the tiny granules packed within tightly
Leaving no room for anything of worthy substance
If only slowly setting loose the sand could bring about a loving heart
Sadly, to my dismay it has unleashed your anger
Causing me to drift away
Like a bottle cast into a stormy sea
Filled with a pleading unseen message, save me

Jennifer Batch

Jennifer Batch

Bowling Green Ohio
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