Two Dimensions Of Thought Poem by sookdeo manansingh manansingh

Two Dimensions Of Thought

As an artist expresses his talent
using different colors to paint
the poet makes possible
images to be seen even by the blind
what deep intelligence
it takes to view the shades of light
from bright to faint
the candle of inspiration
continue to burn for wisdom
to be revealed with an open mind

though the painting on the wall be fake
the message it conveys
be in equilibrium with the truth
like branches bowing in salutations
before the moon
for the forgiveness of any mistake
to understand that the message
cannot change with the wind
so much more can the storm uproot
the stream of success
flowing in a poet's heart
is not by chance
but carries whatever
sacrifice it will take

whatever is symbolic to the image
becomes sacred as a spark of light
the words of wisdom when translates
comes to life like a wave leading to the shore
like hidden treasures beneath the earth
the joy of serendipity
move with the stars in the night
no matter how wounded
one may be in battle
to keep a vision of heaven
one will aspire to be victorious even more

the memory of a painting
will never die nor can it be erased
in any way
sometimes imagination can be misleading
and then somewhere in the future
it will begin to shine
to persistently put together
the pieces of art will direct one life
from day to day
however one recites the mantra of birth
will come to recognize
that everything on earth
is perfect and fine.

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