Umbral Retreat Poem by Lodigiana Poetess

Umbral Retreat

Alone I think of those pervasive shadows,
and sit, in petrified awe, in that illusory fog.
This tormentor of my dreams.
Becoming lost in a kingdom full of penumbra,
a kingdom full of laconic storms,
where sunlight relentlessly overshadows
this delusory domain.
Throwing its ghost, involuntarily,
against the dreamscape.
As day reluctantly dawns
my soul involuntarily
grows silent.
Mutely hearing twilight,
dark, hiding, receding.
Cognizant and fleeing the cocoon,
I became submerged
into the eclipsing darkness,
awake once more,
to the austerity
of dispersing reality.

Umbral Retreat
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: day,reality,sad,shadow
Chris Embrick 04 March 2018

I think most of us have cocoons we withdraw into to escape reality. Sometimes we leave one dark world only to enter another. I feel the sadness in this poem. But know that even so know that you can be loved even by a stranger. Don't stay in the shadows too long. Your poems uncover the beauty. 10

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Lodigiana Poetess 04 March 2018

Thank you so much Chris for your insightful comments. As you say, there is some sadness to this poem but shadows often give way to sunshine and a little of that is what we are all looking for... and thankfully do eventually find...

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