Uncle Walt Poem by Mick Law

Uncle Walt

Talk to me, oh man of the Earth
Tell me of the worlds you have known
Of a million stars and near miss comets
Show me the Universe in your mind
Share with me your view on the cosmos
Fill me with your knowledge

Talk to me, hewer of coal, hard Collier
Tell me of the olden days.
Of ancient peoples, of war and castles,
Show me the Kings and queens of our past
Share with me my ancestry
Fill me with your history.

Talk to me proud son of Yorkshire
Tell me long tales from your books piled high
Of alien worlds, of magical rings and brave heroes
Show me the pages of sweet poetry and bitter tragedy
Share with me the bards and writers and great works penned.
Fill me with your words.

You have talked to all of us my uncle
You have told us of where we come from and who we are
Of kith and kin long dead, and family never known.
You have shown us such wondrous things and taught us so much
You have shared with us your knowledge as a gift and always gave it freely with love
You have filled us, you very wise man and made difference in us.

Mick Law

Mick Law

Thurnscoe South Yorkshire, UK
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