Undaunted Chivalry Poem by MBJ Pancras

Undaunted Chivalry

Thou art a great civilization, who hath christened thousands of people,
Thy entry into this world hath paved a way of enlightenment unto many,
Each of thy punches and kicks hath the meaning of intelligence,
Thou hast made a garden of philosophy glowing with fragrant blossoms
And vibrant to enliven the silent thoughts into words
Wedded with deeds of bravery woven in a single string of life,
Each of thy lightning gestures discovered incredible paces
And thy silent thunders born of thy quick mind velocity,
No soul on earth hath the spirit of thy undaunted chivalry.

Thou wert born nine and seventy milestones away from the present,
A child prodigy reared ‘midst disgraces and discredits,
Having imbibed the drink of valor till the end of the nerve,
Thou hast bridged the wall of China and the Statue of Liberty,
Thou hast become a conduit betwixt Yin and Yang,
And thou hast built a bond betwixt Oriental and Western horizon.
Thy language was thy mind in silence but noble with meanings hidden,
Each of thy emotions and expressions doth show the way unto reality,
And still thou art a glow of inspiration unto countless juvenile minds.

The cradle thou wert born hath been still a cradle of philosophy,
The glow of thy inward eye still shines in the rainbow of life,
Thy ‘The Fists of Fury' hath been transformed to the ‘bosom of power',
The quiescent power in thee paraded in thy ‘Enter the Dragon',
And paved ‘The Way of the Dragon' thro' ‘The Chinese Connection',
And ‘The Big Boss' in thee challenged in thy ‘The Game of Death',
And thou hast let thee shine across heavens from eternity to eternity.
Thou art watching the glimpses of thy life once lived on earth beyond us,
And our hearts stroll on the couch of reminiscences of thee.

Created on 26th November 2019 in dedication of my inspiration ‘Bruce Lee' on account of his 80th Birth Anniversary (79 years old) . (Time: 19.18)
MBJ Pancras

MBJ Pancras

Chennai Tamil Nadu India
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