Underflow Poem by sean alexander


Come with the me
Outside on the open plain
I don’t care what they think
I want to feel alive.
Roll with me on the grass
And laugh like small mad children
In a young and innocent world
When time began
And there was only beauty
Come with me to the tunnel
Under the bridge
Play in the darkness
And let it truly embrace you
As a true son or daughter
For it will not judge you
Light a camp fire
And burn soft pudgy marshmallows
And let them burn your pain to a crisp
Feast with me in the town hall
Do not care what the false god’s and money men think
They can not drink what we drink
Drink deep
Drink the juices of hope and the barley of love
Come with me down to a bare sky
Where we can paint our own clouds
Abandon of all rules
No chains of conformity on our minds anymore
Gone are worries
Gone is sadness
Gone is hatred
Embrace this madness
Sit with me on the teacups
Of broken horse cart
Let it carry us to our next destination
Let it be our chariot of fire
Harness all of the energy around you
Or you can choose to live as they do
Mindless puppets in a corporate world
Run by imaginary worthless paper
And liars and thief’s that run their lives
That lives in bigger homes
But come with me and be free
Of all things of this life and embrace the next world now
Come with me to the rushing waterfalls of spiritual enlightenment
And bask in the showers of the rainbow
Except the truth young gallant
That one is all and one is all
And nothing truly exists
Only a feeling of a void that you try to fill
Accept the truth
And I promise you
That hole will be filled
With untold riches only mentioned
By the invisible ink.

sean alexander

sean alexander

vetnor, new jersey
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