Until The Granite Stones Blow To Dust Poem by Paddy Scott Hogg

Until The Granite Stones Blow To Dust

I wanna be with you, to hold your hand
To walk along the shore and touch the wet sand
Where the white waves dance and the warm breeze whispers
With the scent of lavender and salt sea air near the primrose banks;
And feel the shingle beaches under foot, where I was reared
And hear the waves lap and the curlews cry at dusk
Where my children run down to the sea with eyes sparkling wild
Where the gannets dive at New England bay
Or where the distant Irish shores meet the horizon
Where the view from Portlogan's sandy dunes make time melt away -

That is where I would be, if love enveloped heaven and we were free
And all the things that should be, come to pass;
And in the tidal rise and flow our heart beat would rise and grow
Binding love and passion in natural fusion
In bliss, open to the world's magical beauty
Its timeless wonder, its awe would flow like blood filled veins
In recognition of life's uniqueness; that days should be cherished
’These are the days to remember’ would echo in our memory
That love is a flower too often nourished by tears
That tears are the pearls of love, my dear,
That love dwells in light eternal forever pure, unkempt, inviolate
When two become one - at peace with each other and the world.
'As light as the breeze' as Lenny wrote.......

And would I be that I should be, a light for the deepest darkness
'When all other lights go out'; when 'dark despair' benights the sorrow you hide from
When hope falters; then would I be there for you
The beam of light that flickers when the tides turn
And grows brighter until all your fears and shadows run
And ‘the fuse that through the flower drives you’ ever onwards
Comes as balm; calming peace wraps the wintery chill:
To know and feel the passion, the pull of moon on tide
The power that breaks the bud in Spring and cracks the leaf in Autumn;
That gives and takes away life’s gift, so bitter sweet.
And then I would love you if you would enter in:
Until the clouds race homewards
Until the last flower crumbles
Until the last sea dropp is dry
Until the sun falls from the sky
Until the stars go out, one by one
Until the granite stones are blown to dust

And my last moment on earth is spent in the ocean of your eyes.......
Dreamers romantic hearts and hopeful joy
Torn away by the world's cold desolation
The mundane: stupidity's misunderstanding
Bills to pay
Reality to face
When time washes away the lines in the sand
And you and I my dear
Are but a memory
A headstone
With not even a last farewell
Washed to nothingness
In the time line of space and evolution
The tender heart beat of a life long dead.

From such a perspective does life emerge
A miracle in all its glory beneath the heaven's
The here and now
Precious moments
Where life pulses meaning and beauty unstinted.

Paddy Scott Hogg

Paddy Scott Hogg

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