Unveiled Justice. Poem by sisirachandra vaduge

Unveiled Justice.

Unveiled Justice.

The charge is criminal,
Under the section …of legal,
A powerful whip blessed by the innocent people,
Unless carryout the orders, for those security ministerial

It was a complaint of shame,
Assault and abuse the chairman is a crime
While his honor was surrounded by msd henchmen
By a little dwarf of that unseen mission

Powers of legislation, and its justification
To be positive and provable for every human
Prevent them from destructive administration
Was the representation of this victim and his education?

He appeared from a divinely corner, pleaded mercy for guilty,
Simple and logical dialect in high pitch English of that legal intimacy,
Nor arguments, cross questions, neither protestants to justify that conspiracy,
Apparently to release another soul from their brutal autocracy

I am now rather un-consciously, heart beating with high blood pressure,
Because still I am under control of their pleasure, in that wooden enclosure,
Sweating and shivering to hear my destiny and future,

“accuse discharged “ I heard the soft voice of that lady court crier;

Oh! my god, should I believe this, or the whole world rotating anticlockwise?

Again I am relieved by a heavy breathing,
Yeh’ we too should have the privilege of freedom,
And then I looked around below the bench and their wisdom,
To be thankful and see if they are totally satisfied with that rhythm

Bent and bowed my head forward twice
Gazing straightly and apologizing towards the magistrate
Patiently, depicting my honor of gratitude,
Before leaving that legislative latitude.

Plot: Final judgment of Majestriate’s Court Badulla srilanka Case No: 2657 dated 8th June 2010.
Please comment: giantsqurrel@gmail.com authentic experience of the poet.

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