Urned Ashes Poem by Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Urned Ashes

Rating: 5.0

is just a word
the rulers use
against the ruled,
to remain in power,
to imprison
the citizens
in uniforms,
on their person
or on their soul.
once bullet strikes
or the ‘little boy',
nothing matters,
not even
the crumbling bones
nor the urned ashes.

(1) 'Little boy' was the name given by the US forces to the first Atom Bomb they dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, August 6,1945, at 8: 15 AM.
(2) On their person: refers to the soldiers
(3) on their soul: civilians who are brainwashed by patriotic rhetoric

Bri Edwards 21 June 2023

' between mid-April 1945 (when President Harry Truman took office) and mid-July, Japanese forces inflicted Allied casualties totaling nearly half those suffered in three full years of war in the Pacific, proving that Japan had become even more deadly when faced with defeat'

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I understand what you are trying to say. You are trying to justify the unjustifiable.

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Nabakishore Dash 22 June 2023

Bravo great.only politicians shed crocodile tears for the Patriots.

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For deceiving the public to vote for them. It is rulers and wannabe rulers who coined the word "Patriotism'. Once we understand ans assimilate the Indian Philosophy of "Vasudhaiva Kudumbakam", all the borders vanish.

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M. Asim Nehal 21 June 2023

Thought provoking poem, when pioneer says it all then what else remains? 5****

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Patriotism is a word/idea used by the rulers against their citizens

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Bri Edwards 21 June 2023

Well, she believes in a LOT of THINGS, and I cannot prove her wrong. But I don't believe a lot of the 'things'. I give the 'poem' account 5 stars.

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Bri Edwards 21 June 2023

AND my wife believes that U.S. industrial 'leaders' (I THINK she said) encouraged some Japanese (and encouraged Hitler also) to declare war on U.S., promising control of TV station to some Japanese.

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Bri Edwards 21 June 2023

I think the 2nd A-bomb used was Big Boy. I assume the 'rulers' were the Japanese rulers, My wife ALSO believes the U.S. knew Japan would bomb Pearl Harbor, and U.S. could more easily enter the war then.

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The second bomb was Fat Man

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Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

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