Us Poem by Allison Riches



I will protect you to the grave
Ignore my anger and frustration
Which I allow to consume me to a point of devastation
The basis of our arguments and constant frustration.
My God what a waste of life and time
Arguing about who loves each other
More, and blackmail using previous situations
To prove who has a stronger, more powerful belief;
A twisted competition between two massive egos
Familiar with insecurity yet don't see the truth in each others eyes;
A purity of love known only with the meeting of certain lives.
The power of love, yes true love that those two people generate
Is a once in a life time energy that can destroy as easily create.
Its too amazing to simply accept
So human nature will always interfere
Because nothing's that easy, so let us make it disappear;
But surely that's the point as we are conditioned to hide from the essence of the training to seek our fantasies?
We're told that its from the belief in the dream that we must aspire and achieve....
But what's the point when teaching is hypocritical?
Or is it we've grown to understand, therefore decipher the unknown from the typical....
Yet lack the confidence to venture a new path of understanding
For fear one's piers will mock and be reprimanding;
All I can say to you is that I believe.
My actions demonstrate paranoid, unforgivable, but I sometimes feel so isolated.
You are angry, at times violent, you say you're feeling emotionally violated.
I would not ask you to try to see what I see
If you hadn't already made a commitment to me;
Because of that, I expect you to take this mad unknown trip;
Even I don't know what's going to happen, I've told you before 'Its a 7 year blip! '
I am not in control of my destiny, who is?
It just seems that mine is a touch intensive, therefore destructive.
Do I choose this? Of course I don't!
The anger and humiliation you show toward me, trust me it won't
Help or nurture. Maybe you're not ready,
Therefore you're dragged into my experiences by association which you detest.
I can only remind you that this bubbly person full of hope and love
Is desperately coping with stuff you're not ready for.
Is there going to be a backlash which you don't understand?
Of course there is, but why its happened at'll never comprehend,
Though I have to, or at least must accept, as its my life that crumbles.
When the many things that have happened directly affect me
And yet whilst I'm spinning in life's delegated madness, I am expected to cope;
Trust me, I'm in far deeper shock than you every time something happens lately,
And I cry, behave hysterically, am helpless, whatever, but continue to look to you for hope.
I feel alone, isolated, the survivor of all;
By marrying you I expected trusting support.
Its not my stage, its ours.
I'm forced to grovel for your trust in me.
The ego, not respect, between us should be gone, thus allowing us
Through our hearts and souls, which no one will ever see or understand,
To truly care, respect, and be gentle, to give always, God help us, we must never demand.
Never regret showing respect.........

rago rago 08 May 2009

to truly care, respect, and be gentle, to give always, god helps us, we must never demand never regret showing respect.........a very good wrie. Thank you for yur kind sharing.

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