Us... The Average Poem by Carlos Gutierrez

Us... The Average

Delicate and foreign is the beauty of the human spirit.

It enlightens a few,
and reaches the fewer.
Envied by the many,
but sought after by none.

The complexion of the face and the body are of more value today,
and it stings my body with dolor,
to acknowledge that I lack of those gifts.

It was very well explained that normality embraced me from birth,
and it will accompany me throughout every eye I blink,
every piece of bread I swallow,
and every potion I drink.

My features are bewilderingly normal,
and my talents are giftedly common,
which would make me incapable of content.

But one thing I do possess,
and although it is untrained, naive, and possibly even worthless,
is the awareness of self.

So I've started to release myself from expectations,
and I've become ready to face the world with humanity.

Let the ones that surpass average go on and lead the way,
because I will not follow.

I will stay behind,
and crawl my way through with my bare, naked hands.

Let the invertebrates begrime their way through the sewers,
and let the rich bribe their way through the piazza.

And let us, the averages, walk our way with stripped feet through the sand and dirt.

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