Valentines Gift Poem by David Taylor

Valentines Gift

Rating: 5.0

I bought you just one white rose
with velvet petals and such sweet scent
as flowers may in full blooming hold,
with a blush of pink, not shy or bashful
but proclaiming bold, such beauty to behold,
imbued with such freshness that delights the sight
and a tenderness to touch, that touch delights.

What more could be said by words
or bouquets of thoughts diverse
resplendent with poetic verse
that might a myriad of qualities
seek to evoke, from I that spoke;
to you.

No just a single rose, a single beauty's eye,
for what is love if it cannot be expressed
by just one perfect rose,
the one that's best,
and has no comparison
with any less.

Ernestine Northover 14 February 2008

Scatter ye petals while ye may, for love can be afleeting. Lovely write David, and yes, a rose does mean so much more, especially on Valentine's Day, and white is lovely and means purity. Love and hugs Ernestine XXX

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Mary Gordley 13 February 2008

One perfect poem to place along side that one perfect rose. Thanks David.

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Lynda Robson 13 February 2008

I agree with Duncan, a lovely write David, Best wishes Lynda xx

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Duncan Wyllie 13 February 2008

This is very much worth the read, what a brilliantly structured and detailed poem of excellence, , , thankyou for sharing your art Love duncan X

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