Vigil Poem by Nassy Fesharaki



Candles are in thousands,
Vigil of the fallen in London
No body seems to care
When talking of knifer.

Yes, act was, wilderness;
Have no doubt about it!

But I wish some would ask:
"Who were all those involved
The knifer and the knifed? "

Could be far better if
The asking went to site
Where knife was made
To see one work for life.

Knife maker needs bread
And knifer was trained
By his time, religion.

Remember very well
No one was culprit
At the time of the birth.

We are made by the laws;
All, written on the walls
By few, or by God…
Like so-called:
"Commandments! "

Brits who were themselves
Taken, ruled and governed
For long time, by Romans
Became the invaders…

No one has (as I see)
Been worse than the latter;
Brutal and careless
To the world and even
They abused the orphans!

Just few British
Around King or Queen
Had the right to think, live.

Drank tea in backyards,
Ruled the world up and down,
Wore white wigs and wrote laws.

Thousands upon thousands
Of the poor children
Were caught and were herded
Just because their parents
Were dead or worked, laboured
For the rich and masters.

New Zealand, Canada
As well as Australia
Know about the kids who
Were shipped and sent away
To serve there in houses
Of Royal-related-
Wealthy men and women.

"British Home Children! "

I call the Britain
"Worst of worst forever"
Not based on any hate
But only, of concern…

They saw all of Not-Us
As worthless animals
For whom they could decide:
"Kill them; or behind walls! "

They enforced religions,
Destroyed the others'
With bribes or insults;
Among them "Paganism."

They tampered with Islam
Making ones to bomb, knife!

So, who is the guilty?

I think old British,
The Royal-related
That broke the order
Among all the nations
Are guilty of murders!

The dead is innocent,
Killer too, is the same
Sinners were ancestors
(They who sat in senate
Or went far and governed:
"The Blacks and Browns
Are nothing but slaves! "

Knowingly? Unaware?
They sharpened the dagger
For grandchildren! ! !

Now, sisters, brothers
Let us act in reverse
Let's plant love and care
Let's forgive and forget
Let us think, think again
To give more and take less;
Then life will prosper…

Who was Khan?
Ask and ask…

Why did he?
Ask and ask…

Where from?
Ask and ask…

Did we have influence?
Ask yourself, ask and ask.

Go to church of your heart
Kneel and seek forgiveness.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: terrorism
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