Wake Up Bernadette Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Wake Up Bernadette

Rating: 5.0

Marie and Jeanne carried,
Their head load of wood,
And came to the same spot,
To take back Bernadette.

Marie saw her sister,
In an unusual posture,
And cried, “Oh Bernadette,
Wake up Bernadette.”

With a rosary in her hand,
Bernadette made no sound,
But was gazing at the cavern
Where appeared none.

Her face was too pale,
And breath not normal.
Mary took her as dead,
And visibly she cried.

Jeanne, however, said
“If she were dead,
She’d be lying flat,
There’s no doubt.”

A few pebbles she threw,
Like missiles they flew
Of which one hit Bernadette
Right o’er her breast.

Her entire body, it shook.
A deep breath she took.
In their anxious look,
She came to life back

She searched for her lady,
But the cavern was empty.
It was a unique experience
She had in her lady’s presence.

Jeanne began to chide her,
“How crazy you’re?
How, this filthy place,
For prayer, you chose? ”

On their way back home
They crossed the stream.
Bernadette felt it warm,
And it caused no harm.

But the other two felt,
Chillness biting their feet.
Bernadette mocked at them
And said, “Water’s warm.”

She must have gone mad
What they two concluded.
They curiously asked her
“What’s the matter? ”

“Have you seen anything? ”
She replied, “Nothing.”
She walked ahead fast.
Never like this in her past.

Has the lady had given her
Any extraordinary power!
No more breathlessness!
Her face showed stillness!

Though curious they were
To know the reason from her,
She gave them evasive answer,
Every time they questioned her.

Under an oath, she told them
“Don’t say this to Mom,
I saw a beautiful lady
In that cavern shady.”

They didn’t believe her,
But was joking at her,
“How can that be,
You alone could see? ”

“Yes, there I did see her.
Again I wish to see her.”
When she said like this,
A shine came in her eyes

Mary Das 05 April 2007

Wonderful. Words are nicely woven in each and every line. Always admire. Take care.

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Sandra Fowler 04 April 2007

Very poignant. The contrast between Bernadette's faith and the disbelief of her companions is vividly portrayed in this sensitive write. I look forward to reading the next poetry chapter. Take care. Warm regards, Sandra

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Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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