Wanting Life Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

Wanting Life

Wanting life

I have seen world around
I have seen mirrors, lots
I have seen them both sides…
I have seen the mankind
I have seen animals…

I have found living ones
-being same, similar
-behaving as if one
-reacting through lens
- (If the life is matter.)

They are so similar
-that is hard to decide
-which part is with what part…

I stood in kitchen
-brutal, and heartless
- (and copied now-a-day's
-observing with cellphones,
-accidents and injured in blood.
-We look and let them die near us!)
-held in hand camera…recorded.

In absence of landlord
-cockroaches had settled in the pot
-freely fed, smelled, walked around
-on two eggs, and the two potatoes
- (sort of cold…
-when half-cooked and half-boiled…)

Came along master chef
-promptly turned key on; of cooker.
-He filled pot with water.

Cockroaches felt danger!
-Now, homeless, stranded,
-searched for ways to escape.

Some climbed potatoes
-some, the eggs, some the walls.

I have worked with UN,
-interviewed displaced
-of the wars, disasters;
-so, recalled the mankind doing same
-seeking for new life, peace and health.

Wanting life is natural!
Naturally, all want life!
Everyone escapes death!

Imagine observing the preys
-by calm lake relaxing or resting!

Suddenly comes hunter
-with sharp fang, Revolver;
-possibly, Manchester! ! !

Or follow worm-catchers
-in the midst of dark nights.
-Worms escape as comes light
-and feel the shake; ground's…

In such times…
-all go, run…
-to what is safety…
-as felt and seen ready…

Now let us visit the
-Yemen and Syria
-Guatemala, Venezuela,
-to distance, Afghanistan and Iraq…

Oh, my Lord, tell me why
-so much are the crimes?
-why mother Earth cries?
-why man is criminal?
-just because of living in palace?
-Kremlin to White House?
-or Downing Street, number Ten?
-or Riyadh, or Tehran?
-Ankara to Dhaka?
-all of such, everywhere?
I filmed the cockroaches
-those climbing the eggs
-as well as potatoes…

They thought safe were crests
-as did the Inca runaways
-who climbed the Andes
-escaping Spanish to be safe…
-and did the Apaches from the British
-and later, USA,
-as have done too many from the…

I too, am descendent
-of the ones who escaped
-the rapists and looters
-brutal, wildness
-of Nomads of Arabs
-empty their brains and tummies
-erected their beneath; hungry
-they pushed swords in Dads' hearts
-and raped the Mother ones
-with claim on their tongues:
- "This we do for Allah"

After years, centuries
-we see how they have lied.

Their faith was and has been
-nothing but politics…

They played the same game
-dirty games of today
-destroying our lives
-with second oldest job
- (After sale of body
-inside or outside of
-brothels, house or bed!)


Though cruel, I went on!

Kept rolling, camera…

Different were ending
-of the poor cockroaches…

Those on walls felt the heat
-faster and directly on their feet
-killer was the burning.

Some of them chose jumping
-over the fire which
-caught them and burned to death!
-Some of them were lucky
-with them jump went further
-and then run, remained safe…

Could smell those cooking
-in fire and water.

I observed!

I did so till felt hands shake, shiver
-over me ran sweat of the shame.

Bodily I stopped,
-no more of camera…
-no more of recording!

But in mind saw armies
-thoughts, wavy, stormy
-Hazaras escaped the Bamian;
-Christians of Iran, of Egypt, Syria!
-I saw the Gaza and Palestine
-and the Jews with a long history…
-sympathised with first but later
-found them well-deserving
- (the insults and what faced…for so long!)
-Look at them in power, brutal
-in dealing with Blacks and non-Jews!
- (They butcher people of Palestine!)

Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
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