Warm Coats Poem by Ray Feasey

Warm Coats

In a warm coat you feel so snug when all around are chilled
Walking through the busy street at night in London town
Towards the restaurant of your choice as josslers bang about
You have to laugh not get upset at your systematically barged

It’s been so many long gone years since this location you strode
Then as you enter for your meal is all so crammed and spoilt
The food was awful, no such treat as limited time prevents desertion
For less than one hour your show will start and that is the nights plan

Then inside theatre the show begins a rock and roll show blast
A superb set and joy to see and hear and think of past
Already now the meal of pain has been erased from mind
You just indulge and think of your young days in this location

Then walking back towards the car that’s parked in NCP
It’s been there 5 point 29 hours a blue machine displays
The whole days rate is pounds thirty two so I expect pro rata
But shock as card is charged the whole day’s value anger fills me

This battle I shall take up in days to come as principle is key
But until then I just recall the nights entertaining joy, time spent
With one I love as we walked hand in hand through cold and busy streets
In our warm coats both snug and happy despite the rushing folks

Copyright © 2007 Ray Feasey

Ray Feasey

Ray Feasey

Gloucetershire, London, Who Knows
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