We Become What We Resist Poem by Patti Williams

We Become What We Resist

Seeing hypocrites everyday,
We shake our heads and turn away.
'I'll never be like that, ' we declare,
Make sure we tell everyone, everywhere.
So adamant are we to remain unsullied,
We bend over backwards avoiding the bullies.
We end up judging everyone else,
Can't see the hypocrite in ourselves.
All we see is what THEY'RE doing,
Take no note of where WE'RE going!
As we fight against the thing we hate,
We never stop to contemplate.
It's not what we're doing, but how we're BEING,
We never notice when we start leaning.
As we resist, we begin to take shape,
The very form of what we so hate.
As we speak loudly of other's faults,
More and more like them we become.
Who is the hypocrite, I ask you now?
They who say they're good and bow?
Or do you wish to fool yourself,
And never see you're in a cell.
That cell came from your own creating
Your comfort zone where you are waiting.
Make sure you do such good acts,
Covering over all the facts.
No one cares what you have done.
We're all the same, we are all one.
Other's ways you cannot change
No matter what you rearrange.
Your rigid stance will firmly hold you
In the darkness that will mold you.
Bend like grass within a storm
Don't take on that nasty form.
For you can BE however you wish,
But bitterness is a poisonous dish.

Patti Williams

Patti Williams

Little Rock, Arkansas
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