Weekend Dogs Poem by Phil Soar

Weekend Dogs

Weekend mornings that start way too soon
When one of the dogs peeps into the room
And I wake with a smile, as I know it is time
To get myself out, with a smile on my mind

Though cold, spring has broken the back of the gloom
And the tails are there wagging, at the door of my room
It doesn't take whining or barking to start
They know we are one, and have one joyous heart

So the three of us make our way out to the scene
Where dawn sheds a glow on a crystal clear stream
And we walk side by side for a few miles and more
With nothing to worry us, as we explore

And when walking is done, we return for a rest
Our old bones are aching, our hearts fill our chests
With a warm cup of tea and some toast shared by all
A weekend together, and we've all had a ball.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: dogs,pleasure
Rajnish Manga 09 May 2017

Weekends are known for a time of amusement indoors or outdoors with family and pets. Nice sharing. Thanks a lot. With a warm cup of tea and some toast shared by all A weekend together, and we've all had a ball.

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