What If The World Was Just A Book? Poem by Emma Kessler

What If The World Was Just A Book?

Rating: 5.0

What if the world was just a book
Some other man has written?
And we were just the characters
Playing out our parts
What if everyday of our lives
Was just another chapter?
Every action, every word
Just lines written on our hearts

Kesav Easwaran 09 December 2009

beautiful poem Emma...nice words yours...and all the more wise...a real universal heart indeed! your poem reflects your self on your biographical page...thanks...i liked...10 please read my poem 'Emma' if you won't mind...

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Yose Alba 11 December 2009

In my opinion this is your best work yet. Simply marvelous.

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Dylan Tang 12 December 2009

i like it =] think its ur best one

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Lindbergh Hughes 05 November 2010

Nice poem, Emma! ! Indeed, your thought here it's a little bit hard to understand.I liked this line: 'What if everyday of our lives Was just another chapter? '.Somehow, our lives are like a book.When we are born, we are like a white sheet that the people that we know, the society that we live, ourselves will write on it.In my opnion, everyday of my life is like a new chapter that I write.The only thing that we live after we are gone from this life is a memory.We should ask ourselves: 'How people will remember us after we're gone? ' We have lots of examples in the history like Hitler, Lady Diana, Jesus Christ, Martin Luther king Jr. etc. ++10! ! !

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Shirley Hanley 24 January 2010

William Shakespear would agree with you...... I too often have this thought!

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Kaysen Fraker 11 January 2010

I love it. A short and sweet poem that tells the entire messege. I've actually wondered about that myself. Nice job.

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Dick Badian 14 December 2009

what if you were the author of your own book? love your poem 10 pointer greetings from the netherlands

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Monica O'Connor 14 December 2009

wonderfully put. i've thought the same thing many times, and my thoughts were never quite so simple and eloquent.

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